Should Muslim Roma organisations issue a statement regarding Charlie Hebdo happenings in France?

Question: Should Muslim Roma organisations issue a statement regarding Charlie Hebdo happenings in France?

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6 thoughts on “Should Muslim Roma organisations issue a statement regarding Charlie Hebdo happenings in France?

  1. Tim Jones says:

    That is up to the organisations concerned. They are not responsible for the acts of extremists who claim to act in the name of their religion.

  2. Without overly apologizing for the actions of a few Muslim extremists, it would be a good opportunity for the Roma of Europe to express solidarity with any victims of racism and violence. As one of the world’s most oppressed minority, and as the only ethnic group besides Jews to be targeted for annihilation by the Nazis, the Roma of the world should take any opportunity to bring attention to their history and current situation in Europe. The world needs to hear this as much as possible.

  3. Y. Hunt says:

    I believe it would help greatly if Muslims who are not in agreement with these actions would make their opinion known publicly. Many people who are ignorant of the real teachings of Islam think these actions are indicative of all Muslims.

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